How to add 2FA (second factor authentication) in OfficeTrack?

How to add 2FA (second factor authentication) in OfficeTrack? This video is a tutorial on How to add 2FA (second factor authentication) in OfficeTrack.

What is the difference between an employee profile and a user profile?

  What is the difference between an employee profile and a user profile? Employee profiles indicate which permissions the employee has to manage the mobile application, e.g. which task entries they can submit, which forms they can view, which points

How can I search for a subscriber?

  How can I search for a subscriber? There are two ways to find a subscriber in the system: From the main menu: click on Find; in the search field enter the employee’s name in the system or the employee’s

How can I remove a user from the system?

  How can I remove a user from the system? From the main menu select Configuration > Site users. Select the web user and from the toolbar select Edit. In the pop-up window select Status and click Close. To finish

How can I search for a subscriber in the system?

  How can I search for a subscriber in the system? There are two ways to search for a subscriber in the system From the main menu select Find. From the pop-up window, enter the name or telephone number of